Family History website

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Contents page for Roland CLARE + Linda BRAY ... family tree data

CLARE surname history DNA tracing project

Numbers of people named CLARE on the UK Electoral Roll 2001 [MS Word document]

Other CLARE-oriented websites

North Staffordshire CLARE research by John FELTON and John CLARE (a different branch of the name)

Clare and deClare Genealogy … Nick Clare's wide-reaching site

CLAREs from the Wars … civilian and military casualties, listed on another useful site by John CLARE

The town of Clare in Suffolk … possibly a source of the surname, possibly not.

CLARE-oriented mailing-lists

The CLARE surname mail-listdon't worry about getting deluged … traffic is very light !

There is a mailing list specifically for people participating in the CLARE surname history DNA tracing project : to join it, please send a message to including the word  subscribe   in the body of the message.